Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Game - Episode 2, Season 8

Quick recap:

-Keira and Blue reconciled in a cheesy text scene...is this what they think millenials do? Text each other while in the same room to avoid verbally discussing emotionally charged issues?
-Malik forged Yana's signature, put together an elaborate try out (w/ DJ and dancers), only to fail miserably...losing Yana and probably a future playing the game.
-Chardonnay is going to become a "brand" (can her brand include discontinuing her overuse of "YAASS"?). She served Jason divorce paper and hit him with a suit for her emotional distress...there goes Jason money from his new position with the Sabers
-Tasha and Pookie seem to be coming to terms on the baby...

I'm still kinda ready for this to wrap up...