Sunday, January 17, 2016

BMRC Speaks... Fight.the.Power.2016 [Shirley Talaguit]

Well, my brothers and sisters, they did it to us again!  This year not one black movie, black actor, black director or black writer was nominated for an OSCAR.  Straight Outta of Compton and Creed was the 18th and 28th highest grossing movies in 2015. Straight Outta of Compton received a nomination for writing – original screenplay, but the writers that are nominated are white.  Creed was nominated in the category of “best supporting actor” and of course that actor is white. 

At what point do we stop giving our money to an industry that does not care about us? The movie Revenant does not have even one black actor, even in a supporting role, but grossed over $93 million in less than a month.  You know some of those dollars came out of black wallets! 

If we truly seek change, the change starts with us!  We MUST stop paying to see movies in which the Director, Writer(s), Leading Actor(s) or Supporting Actor(s) are not BLACK!! If you must see a movie starring a cast full of non-blacks, wait until you can see it for FREE on cable (NOT pay for view) or regular TV.   

Until we stop giving this industry our money, they will never value us.  The Montgomery bus boycott taught us the ultimate lesson…MONEY talks!  Also, we must create a venue in which all of our films are honored.

Many people have told me that Revenant is a great movie and I want to see that big, black bear fight Leonardo - so it is on my weekend movie watch list…when the movie is shown on cable and NOT until then! 

The only Oscar nominated movie that I will be watching this week is “What Happened, Miss Simone?”  shown on Netflix.
