Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Really, Jason?!

Kelly came back at the request of her daughter, and despite what the previews suggested, she was actually pretty respectful for someone who was with Jason for 20 years and has a daughter with him. The previews kinda took her statement about his business always being her business out of context. Yes, Chardonnay was upset, but she was just hurt and emotional about Kelly flying into the picture and seemingly reclaiming her role within the family. And that too was understandable.

Chardonnay told Jason not to payoff the player who was going to reveal they both took steroids, but Kelly ended up paying him off without them knowing. Hence, Chardonnay getting upset and Kelly's statement about Jason's business being her business, which by the way she followed by saying because she was the mother of his child. Valid point. 

Any who, after asking Kelly to leave as Chardonnay wished, Jason went to thank Kelly at her hotel. Kelly opens the door and Jason goes in for a kiss. Cut to commercial and I'm upset/annoyed. Then they come back, and it's actually Kelly who stops it. At the end of it, Jason said Chardonnay was amazing, and then they talked for hours, until 4am actually! Kelly missed her flight, so maybe she'll be in the next episode, and Jason came up with a brilliant plan for how he'll explain this to Chardonnay after 22 missed calls. <side eye> He purposefully crashes his car!!! 

O and...Tasha still hasn't told Pookie and Rick about her bun in the oven. Blue is still making me feel for poor Keira. First, he gets upset with her when she comes to help him with his community service (picking up trash) and causes him to get an extra week of service. He goes so far as to tell her him trying to keep her from drinking and driving was not an invitation back into his life. Then, after seeing the internet abuzz with news that Keira revealed he only got in trouble because he was trying to keep her from drinking and driving, he confronted her. By the end of their convo she revealed he was not just her "first," but also her first love. And then he said he needed time to think about it. And so, "poor Keira" continues on!

But back to this crash my car idea...which by the way won't do much considering the previews show Tasha telling Chardonnay Jason was with Kelly in her hotel all night...REALLY, JASON?!