Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Being Mary Jane Season 3, Episode 6 ("Don't Call It a Comeback") Recap

The episode starts with MJ back at her new fav spot, this time with Nichelle and a few fellow Black, female news anchors (one played by Kelly Rowland). The conversation ranges from Obama to stalkers and prenups, with clips of the other anchors reporting on topics such as Obama and Boko Haram. Meanwhile, in a later scene, MJ is reporting on a hero puppy. SMH! At the club the ladies also discuss MJ's cutty buddy situation and having networks cover their stylists etc. Which leads to her getting the network to pay for Jason Bolden to style her for the show. Now, while they were in the club, Nichelle catches MJ looking around for someone, the White guy from the last episode. When the other ladies have left, and MJ is waiting on her uber and Nichelle is waiting for valet, he walks by. So MJ makes up a phony excuse about going to retrieve a jacket Nichelle distinctly remembers her not having, and goes back in alone to find him. They have another make out session, and he asks to leave with her, but she denies him. He asks when she'll be back to the club, and she says she doesn't know. So he asks to at least know her name, but she just tells him to stop talking. 

The next day, when Jason is at MJ's home to style her, he sees her texts with Brandon, and his comment about her drafted response made her realize she's been sending mixed signals  by asking Brandon things like does he need to talk when he simply said he wanted some Mary Jane. Back at SNC, after doing the segment on the hero puppy, Kara asks MJ if she wants to stay to work on stories. But MJ has decided to just go with the flow and enjoy the perks of being on Primetime. 

So she goes home and enjoys the perks of her Cutty Buddy. But after she goes to the bathroom, she finds him having a seizure! He's okay, and she stays up all night with him. But the next morning she tells Kara "seizures aren't sexy," after clarifying he's not her boo and she already has too much to deal with with her face and family. Then everyone's phones go off in the office with pics of Mark messing around with a guy outside of the club! 

MJ's first response is to tell Mark everything will be okay because "gay is the new Black," and then she compares Mark to Michael Sam, which Mark finds offensive. Then Mark is called in to speak with Greg, where he is told about the network's desire to market him (including him officially coming out on air) and use his show as an opportunity to bridge LGBTQ issues with foreign policy. But, as Mark mentioned last season, he is not interested in being the face of gay politics. He wants to continue to strictly focus on foreign policy, but unfortunately he is told SNC is not willing to take on the risk of sending a now outed reporter on his planned trip to Nigeria and Syria. So Mark decides to quit.

Meanwhile, MJ has Goldie Taylor (of Daily Beast) debating with the representative of the Hispanic Republic Party, Antonio Casales. While the two have a lively, yet respectful debate, afterwards Goldie calls MJ out on not being engaged in the debate with the two of them and highlighting Black issues like she used to do before Primetime. 

After the show, Greg informs MJ that Mark quit and she needs to tell him SNC needs him! She tells Greg he's really fighting for Mark, and Greg tells her not as hard as he fights for her. When she points out that Greg isn't warm and fuzzy towards her, but eventually apologizes to him, he tells her he always expects the best out of her without having to pat her on the back and hold her hand like he has to with others at SNC. He then tells her to embrace the fact that she is the face of the network, and she thanks him. 

Later, Kara runs into Marisol cranking the midnight oil. The two go back and forth about whether Marisol and Antonio Casales getting on the air through quotas and threats are a set back for Latinos, or whether they are qualified but don't get equal opportunities. Marisol asks Kara if it's really progress for Kara to work like a dog for 67% of the pay.

Back at MJ's, Mark and MJ discuss him leaving the network and why he doesn't want what the network has planned for his show. She convinces him to talk to Greg again. But later in the episode, the network doesn't budge on their position. When he tells MJ and adds that he'll just go to Nigeria on his own, he's disappointed that she doesn't encourage him. She tells him she thinks it's time they just enjoy being b-list celebrities and puppets for the network instead of real journalists, because people don't care about the truth anyway.  But unlike MJ, Mark says he refuses to give up and sell out. 

Meanwhile, Brandon hits up MJ and she lies and says she's awake and working.Then she invites him over. More mixed signals? He comes over, but she brings up the seizure. He says he doesn't want to talk about it, and says he has a physical for the NFL coming up and is of course worried they'll find out about the seizures. She tells him he can go back to school and do other things, which just upsets him even more and he decides to leave. Later, MJ has Nichelle over (guess they are buddy, buddy again...especially with Lisa being out of the picture #RIP). The two have a lively discussion about MJ never having sex with a White guy, Nichelle having sex with one during an "experimental stage," hoe reset buttons, and enjoying sex as older single women. 

The episode ends with MJ back at the club. Her White beau comes up to her and mentions she had a great show last night. In other words, he's telling her he knows who she is. She asks why he did it, and he says he wanted to know. She tells him he ruined it, and he simply says "We'll see." And she smiles it off. End scene.