Sunday, November 8, 2015

How to Get Away with Murder Season 2, Episode 7 ("I Want You to Die") Recap

This episode's case involved a prosecutor trying to send a woman's ex-husband to jail for stalking her and her husband and causing the husband to commit suicide. After Laurel figures out the husband was attending church for AA meetings, Annalise called the wife to the stand and asked if her husband was an alcoholic. After getting it out of her, the prosecutor decided to play the husband's 911 call, where he said he called before killing himself so "he" would know it was his fault. It would seem "he" is the ex-husband stalker, but Laurel cleverly discovers the prosecutor was having an affair with the wife, and he was the actual "he." Oliver actually helped by supplying the prosecutor's address, where Laurel was able to show the doorman the wife's picture. The doorman knew the wife but also knew she didn't live there. Laurel tricked the doorman into walking into the courtroom when Annalise had the prosecutor on the stand. When the prosecutor saw the doorman in the back he decided to plead the fifth to Annalise's question about whether he was having an affair with the wife. 

Meanwhile, Sinclair may have been told to back off of Annalise, but Nate was apparently free game. She sought a blood test on a sample of Nate's wife's blood to determine whether or not she died of natural causes. So Eve is brought back in the mix. At the evidence hearing, a nurse who had gotten to know Nate and his wife ends up going off on the prosecutor about dealing with a dying loved one and how people should have the right to help their loved one end their lives. After this outburst, Eve decided not to cross-examine the nurse. Now Wes, who was sent there by Annalise after she decided to take him off of the suicide case (since his mother committed suicide), reported this back to Annalise and suggested Eve may have thrown the hearing. Annalise was prone to believe this, because she had joked with Eve that she should throw the hearing and the two of them move to Paris and start a practice where they work 20 hours a week and sleep-in on weekends. Annalise confronted Eve, and Eve told her it was all a part of a plan Nate was in on that called for them to keep the nurse on their good side (something that wouldn't necessarily be the case if she cross-examined the nurse to make her look bad on the stand). In a later scene, Eve drives Nate to the hospital where he goes to talk to the nurse. Next thing you know, they are in court and the blood results show no trace of the pills. Nate was found innocent. Wes tells Eve she must have had someone at the hospital change the blood or the paperwork, and asked her why she did if for Annalise. She counters by asking him why he is missing class to be Annalise's spy. He slips up and says he doesn't have a choice. That one statement led to Eve later asking Annalise if Wes was the one she was protecting for Sam's murder. Annalise basically confirms he is, and then Eve asks why she is protecting a student. Annalise simply says, "It's him." Eve clearly knows what that means, but she just tells Annalise that she's a nice person. Then they start messing around. WTH! Who's Wes to Annalise?? Perhaps a son she gave up for adoption?? 

Throughout the episode Asher is unsuccessfully trying to get Bonnie to forgive him for what happened at Trotter lake, but she isn't budging. Though she did stand up for him when she made the group get back to work after they got Oliver to find a video Asher made at Trotter Lake the night of the incident (based off Michaela overhearing Asher say Trotter Lake to Bonnie). The video just showed him rapping. However, we learned through his discussion with Bonnie what happened. He threw a party at Trotter Lake, and four guys took Tiffany Howard upstairs and gang raped her. Tiffany left the party crying and several people saw her, but did nothing. Asher claims he was drunk and did not grasp what was going on. He also claims he got his father involved to help Tiffany, but instead his father covered it up. Towards the end of the episode, he goes to Bonnie's apartment again to try to get her to forgive him. He tells her he loves her and ends up revealing that Annalise told him what happened to her. This revelation leads to Bonnie having a confrontation with Annalise about Annalise using Bonnie as a card to be traded in exchange for Asher not testifying. Annalise claims it was to protect Bonnie, but Bonnie doesn't buy it and says Annalise doesn't know how to love. Annalise told her to think about whether Annalise knows how to love when she goes home to her nice apartment with her 25 year old boyfriend instead of being behind bars. And how did Bonnie respond? She told Annalise, "I want you to die!" She then says she wishes they had killed her instead of Sam, because Sam would have never done that to her. 

Now, about the Hapstall case. They find out Philip Boden, the secret Hapstall baby, lives 2 miles away from the Hapstalls. So Annalise tasks Frank with finding out whether or not Philip was in town the night of the murders. Frank calls in Oliver for help, to the dismay of Connor. Annalise is fine with it, and even thanks Oliver for all of his help on past cases when she meets him. And Oliver is more than happy to help. What happened to him wanting Annalise to cut him a check? Anyway, he is able to confirm Philip was in town the night of the murder, and similar to the last episode takes it a step too far. This episode he decides to make a dating profile for Connor on a site Philip is on, and Philip bites. Connor doesn't want to go along with it, but he decides to after Oliver volunteers to go in his place (planning to tell Philip he used a pic of a random guy because he had low self-esteem). So Frank, Laurel, Michaela, and Connor go to meet Philip that night at a coffee shop. Frank, Laurel, and Michaela wait in the car. Philip walks in the coffee shop, but no one sees him, including Connor. Laurel gets out the car to pee, but she actually calls Annalise to tell her what they are doing. She also runs into Philip outside of the coffee shop without realizing it. Annalise calls Frank and tells them to get out of there, threatening to call the cops herself. So Frank goes in and tells Connor Laurel ratted them out and they have to go. And as I suspected, Philip went to meet his real target...OLIVER! After leaving the coffee shop, Connor texts Oliver that the date was cancelled and he'd be home in an hour. Oliver is walking in the apartment with groceries and doesn't close and lock the door behind him. Philip slips right in, while Oliver is putting his groceries away, and says, "Hi Oliver." Oliver turns around and drops the milk when he sees Philip standing there. Philip just says, "How's your night going?" 

Now to the flash forward scenes. First, throughout the episode we see Wes find, and later hold and put back up, the gun Becca's foster cousin left in his apartment. Now in the flash forward scene we find out Michaela and Connor are preparing to leave, and Wes and Laurel are in hiding watching them leave. Laurel asks what they should do, and Wes says they should stop them, while holding the gun in his hand. When Michaela and Connor are running off into the woods, Wes and Laurel yell for them to stop from the 2nd floor. Then Sinclair falls to the ground from a floor above Wes and Laurel. And who's standing at the floor above them looking over the edge?? Bonnie!