Sunday, November 22, 2015

How to Get Away with Murder Season 2, Episode 9 ("What Did We Do?") Winter Finale Recap

So this got really intense by the end! Wow! And in typical HTGAWM fashion, the more answers we get the more questions we're left with.

Sinclair is causing a ruckus at the precinct, accusing Nate of tampering with Philip's records. And when she pushes Nate's button by saying his wife's name, Nate has a major outburst and is sure he's going to lose his job. So he tells his boss he wants to file racial discrimination charges against Sinclair, which leads to Sinclair meeting with him privately in the parking garage to tell him she's not a racist and that he should help her accomplish her ultimate goal...locking Annalise up. But Nate blames Sinclair for ruining his life just as much as Annalise. 

Meanwhile, the papers have published articles about Asher's father covering up the gang-rape, and his father ends up committing suicide. Asher thinks Sinclair leaked it, when the truth is Annalise leaked it (but only Frank and Bonnie know). And worse yet, because the articles don't mention Asher, Asher's mother thinks he was in on the leak and blames him for his father's suicide and wants nothing to do with him. 

Back at the Hapstall mansion, Michaela has called Connor to the mansion to help her decide what to do with the gun. As he has been all season, Connor is so over covering up murder and manipulating evidence. He's unwilling to help Michaela and Caleb, and when Catherine walks in on them with the gun she runs away. That coupled with one of her paintings being in the picture with Philip leads Annalise to tell Caleb she can only defend one of them, because it is clear his sister did it...making representing both of them a conflict of interest. 

Later, an upset Asher approaches Sinclair from his car in the parking garage. Sinclair has no amount of sympathy for Asher, and essentially tells him his father deserves everything he got for what he did. As she's walking away, Asher gets so upset he puts his car in reverse and runs her over! He's visibly shaken immediately afterwards, and sits there until Bonnie arrives. Bonnie tells Annalise what happened, and she sets into play one of her craziest cover ups yet!

Annalise tells Caleb and the students she is inviting Sinclair to the mansion and telling her everything about the gun and the painting, and she asks them to leave. But Caleb is uncomfortable with the situation. So Michaela agrees to stay in case Catherine returns to the mansion. When Annalise sees Michaela and the other students haven't left yet, it's too late. Bonnie has brought Sinclair's body to the Hapstall mansion, per Annalise's instructions.  

So Annalise has to improvise. She tries to get the students to go along with a plan to pin Sinclair's death on Catherine! Connor refuses to be a part of it, but before he leaves Annalise tells Asher that they killed Sam, not Bonnie. She says she's been covering up for them, and now they are going to cover for Asher. She leaves a voicemail for Sinclair asking her to come to the mansion regarding Catherine's involvement in the murder, and leaves a voicemail for Catherine telling her to return home. Meanwhile, she's sent Frank to drug Catherine with the pills he gave her for Nate's wife. 

Wes overhears Annalise telling Frank she's trying to protect Nate. So he calls Nate to tell him he's the only one that can stop her. And after Michaela, Asher, Connor and Bonnie carry Sinclair up to the roof, Connor decides he's had enough and leaves. Michaela follows after him. Laurel and Wes are still trying to figure out the best way to cover it all up. Laurel is thinking about what to do with the gun, while Wes is betting on Nate coming and helping them. As Connor and Michaela are running out, Wes and Laurel call out for them to stop. And then Bonnie and Asher drop Sinclair's body over the roof! 

Bonnie takes over. Tells Connor he's on board or he's the next dead body, and then she makes Wes give her the gun. Then Annalise tells Bonnie to leave and leave the gun behind. She and Asher go to clean Asher's car. 

Philip heads to the mansion, after Catherine doesn't answer the door at the motel room she texted him (because Frank has kidnapped and drugged her). Annalise walks in on the students saying this isn't going to work, and she agrees and then proceeds to the next part of her plan! She calls 9-11 and says she's been shot by Catherine. She tries to get Connor to shoot her in the leg by threatening to ruin Oliver's life, but Michaela jumps in front of the gun to keep Connor from shooting her. So she tries to get Michaela to shoot her, but she refuses to shoot her. She then tries to get Laurel to do it, but Laurel says maybe they should go to jail for everything. So she tries one final time with Wes, who is holding the gun. She tells him Rebecca has been dead the whole time and that she's been lying to him. But she gets more than she bargains for when he shoots her in the stomach instead of the leg! 

He has the gun aimed at her on the ground, when she starts repeating the name "Christophe." Then there's a flashback scene to Christophe/Wes as a child ten years ago being questioned by the police about the death of his mother. Annalise and Eve are watching from behind the mirror as he says, "She looked dead when I found her." And Eve says, "What did we do?"