Sunday, May 1, 2016

Empire Season 2, Episode 15 ("More than Kin") Recap

At first I thought Hakeem was shooting a music video in the strip club, but after he ignores several texts from Laura asking where he is, it becomes clear there's no video involved! He's just all in his feelings about how his life is going, and has decided to turn to a strip club instead of his fiancee. But thanks to Instagram and his app, Laura is able to locate him. She tries to explain that he should come to her at times like this. He asks if she still wants him if he's not the CEO, and she of course says yes. He asks again referencing him not being nominated for an ASA, and she again says yes. But when he asks the same question in regard to getting Anika pregnant before he and Laura got together, she slaps the taste out his mouth (well at least his glasses off his head) and storms out. Later, he'll try to explain to Laura that he wants her to be his wife, while he raises his son with Anika. But Laura tells him that isn't the family she wants and gives him his ring back. 

Meanwhile, Lucious is getting a bit close with Harper Scott, though Cookie seems to always pop up in the middle of it. Though it typically involves some form of business that needs to be handled, her side comments make it seem like she may indeed be falling for Lucious again. Something that is not lost on Lucious. 

Later, Cookie talks with Dre about getting his brothers on board to help her unite the family to get Lucious back in as CEO, as the Board is thinking about bringing someone from the outside in as CEO (at one point in the episode Lucious comments to himself that he now wishes he never took the company public). Cookie needs Dre to talk to his brothers, because they'll think she's just doing it because she's falling for him again. Dre agrees to help, and provides his own idea. A fundraiser for bipolarism, with him as the spokesperson. Dre gets his two brothers on board, and later he and Rhonda discuss how getting Lucious in as CEO will get Dre back where they want him to be (starting as Lucious' #2). 

As prepping is underway for the event, Becky and Jamal run into Michael, who is working for the catering company for the event. He offers to leave, and Jamal says that isn't necessary. He then asks if he and Jamal can talk later. So they go to the small venue Jamal used to perform at, and he is invited up to perform with the band, which he eventually does. 

Later, Hakeem invites Anika over to see how he's baby-proofed his home. But Anika tells him that she may not want him to be a part of the baby's life, given Lucious' threat against her life when she gives birth. She tells him her mother wants her to leave. Hakeem confronts Lucious and tells him if Anika leaves with his son, Lucious won't be seeing Hakeem or his grandson again! 

Cookie later goes to see Anika about her leaving, having already told Hakeem she can't leave with his son, but she finds Anika being taken out by paramedics. She rides in the ambulance with Anika to the hospital. Cookie calls and texts Hakeem, who misses the call because he and Laura were in the middle of her breaking off their engagement. She also calls and texts Lucious, who was in the middle of some pretty rough four play with Harper until he sees the messages. He says he has to go due to a family emergency, and Harper calls him out for being wrapped around Cookie's finger. She actually calls Cookie out of her name, and Lucious warns her to not disrespect Cookie and pushes her down. 

At the hospital, Anika's mother is less than thrilled to see Hakeem, but Cookie speaks on his behalf saying he wants to take care of his son and be there for them. In Anika's hospital room, when Cookie says Lucious is coming to the hospital to her surprise, Anika's mother says he is not welcome there after what he did. Cookie leaves, responding to Hakeem's question about what did his father do by asking, "What hasn't he done?" When Lucious arrives, Hakeem confronts him about what he did. Now I'm thinking he did something to Anika that led to her being in the hospital, but her and her mother were referencing him forcing her father to commit fraud. Lucious ends up telling Hakeem he respects him for the way he stood up for Anika against him, and says that must mean he raised him right. He waits in the lobby and makes some calls to have Anika well taken care of, as Hakeem returns to Anika's room. Later, Laura shows up at Anika's new hospital room. She says Lucious called her and told him how much he respected Hakeem for doing the right thing by Anika and their son. And the pair seem to get back together, Anika is sleeping during this conversation. Out in the lobby, Cookie and Lucious discuss Harper not being enough for him. She was smart, but was lacking curves and some hood in her. He calls Cookie over, but she plays it cool. But then she asks him to let her give what was supposed to be Harper's exclusive story on Lucious to someone else, and Lucious agrees. 

Later, at the fundraiser, Jamal overhears Lucious talking down on him to board members by saying he is still developing as an artist and that Lucious is concerned with both the music and the business side. So Jamal leaves without performing, and heads back to his old stomping ground once again to perform. On his way in he spots Freda in line. She found out about the performance through the app. He takes Freda and her friends in with him as he goes in to perform. Becky is also there.

Meanwhile, at the fundraiser, Harper confronts Lucious for letting someone else break her story. Then she goes and approaches Dre, who tells her this isn't a good time since he's about to go up and speak. She gives him pictures from a group home for elderly people with mental illnesses. She then shows him one of a woman named Leah Walker, and says that's his grandmother. After learning this, Dre also leaves the fundraiser! So when Lucious and Cookie are on stage later speaking, Harper takes advantage of the opportunity to ask where their sons are. Cookie basically ignores the question and announces that the Lyon family will be performing together at the ASA Awards (Lucious, Jamal, and Hakeem). Lucious asks her if this is true, and she essentially says it is now! Ha! 

Two board members approached Lucious and Cookie to tell them they were thinking about looking outside for the next CEO, but now they've decided to make him and Cookie co-CEOs!!! I knew Empire was setting it up for Cookie to be a CEO! Cookie humbly says she and Lucious would have to discuss, but Lucious says he thinks it's a fantastic idea. Then he hugs Cookie and says he has her back, but his facial expression says otherwise!! He probably knew if Cookie wasn't co-CEO they wouldn't make him CEO, but he also knows that Cookie will probably do so well they'll make her the only CEO. We shall see!!