Thursday, August 3, 2017

Kidnap Review

They definitely messed with the wrong mother in Kidnap! Karla Dyson (Halle Berry) would stop at nothing to save her son from his kidnappers. She was clever, knew how to whip that minivan around, and most importantly was a fighter! 

My nerves were on edge the entire film! The film never lets up from your initial anxiety at the beginning of the film anticipating the inevitable kidnapping of Frankie (Sage Correa) to the closing credits. Based on the way some of the shots were filmed early on, I knew the chase scenes were going to be full throttle. And sure enough the car scenes did not disappoint. Later in the film, when the chase scenes have subsided, the suspense and action still does not let up!

On top of this on the edge of your seat action, you can feel the earnest desperation of a parent who refuses to give up on rescuing her child. We witness the super powers that naturally come when mama bear is in cub protection mode, including scenes where for a moment you think she just might catch up with a car while on foot! Karla is faced with decisions regarding the safety of her son that left me questioning what would I do in such predicaments. Such thoughts only raised the level of anxiety I felt during the film, making for an even more intense experience. It could so easily happen to any parent, though I am not one for walking such distances away from a child I am responsible for in public spaces. However, her fight to get him back completely makes up for this less than stellar life choice in the beginning of the film. 

This is a must see! I was literally on the edge of my seat for at least half of the film, literally! You'll leave wanting to keep a closer eye on your young ones and contemplating what you would do if you were in the same situation.
