Tuesday, February 24, 2015

And the Winner Is...

Best Actor
1 Nominee until... 1963 - Sidney Poitier in "Lilies of the Field"

37 Non-Black Winners (9 Black Nominees)

2001 - Denzel Washington in "Training Day" (Will Smith in "Ali" was a Nominee)

2 Non-Black Winners (1 Black Nominee)

2004 - Jamie Foxx in "Ray" (Don Cheadle in "Hotel Rwanda" was a Nominee)

1 Non-Black Winner (2 Black Nominees)

2006 - Forest Whitaker in "The Last King of Scotland" (Will Smith in "The Pursuit of Happyness" was a Nominee)

6 Non-Black Winners and counting (4 Black Nominees)

Crooked cop beats Ali...entertainer beats hero (I might let Ray slide though)...evil dictator beats, you know what...I'm just going to quote Reese Witherspoon from the last clip... "On one end we have Chris Gardner [Will Smith in "The Pursuit of Happyness"] the ultimate good guy...on the other the ultimate bad guy Idi Amin [Forest Whitaker in "The Last King of Scotland"]... Now where's my tea...

 Best Actress
6 Nominees until... 2001 - Halle Berry in "Monster's Ball"

13 Non-Black Winners and counting (3 Black Nominees)

Yep...that's it...just 1 Winner and 9 Nominees...2001 was our year! Back to sipping my tea...

Best Supporting Actor
2 Nominees until...1982 - Louis Gossett, Jr. in "An Officer and a Gentleman"

6 Non-Black Winners (3 Black Nominees)

1989 - Denzel Washington in "Glory"

6 Non-Black Winners (2 Black Nominees)

1996 - Cuba Gooding, Jr. in "Jerry Maguire"

7 Non-Black Winners (3 Black Nominees)

2004 - Morgan Freeman in "Million Dollar Baby" (Jamie Foxx in "Collateral" was a Nominee)

10 Non-Black Winners and counting (3 Black Nominees)

Hey...I thought we were getting a winner after every 6 or 7 Non-Black winners in this category...where's our Oscar...no but seriously...did the Academy have a pattern going on or what?? Puts on another pot of tea...

Best Supporting Actress
1939 - Hattie McDaniel in "Gone with the Wind"

50 Non-Black Winners (7 Black Nominees)

1990 - Whoopi Goldberg in "Ghost"

15 Non-Black Winners (3 Black Nominees)

2006 - Jennifer Hudson in "Dreamgirls"

2 Non-Black Winners (3 Nominees)

2009 - Mo'Nique in "Precious"

1 Non-Black Winner

2011 - Octavia Spencer in "The Help"

1 Non-Black Winner

2013 - Lupita Nyong'o in "12 Years a Slave"

1 Non-Black Winner and counting...

The Academy seems to like us in this category...we are currently winning every other one and are up for the next one. Maybe they felt bad about opening the door in 1939 and then locking it shut for half a century...

And now that my second pot of tea is ready to be served...a few highlights from this year's Oscars...Best Director Snub (Ava DuVernay - "Selma"), but at least it was a Best Picture Nominee...Then these things happened...

Cut to mark 2:10...really...is it that time? is that how it works?

Cut to mark 0:09...SMH...but Zendaya responded back very well, and Giuliana of course tried to take it back...

Best Part of the Night