Thursday, March 26, 2015

Being Mary Jane Recap, S. 2, E. 8

Aww...the early stages of romance... Sheldon and MJ.

But has she really started a pros and cons list on him? One that she apparently adds to periodically based on their interactions? And is he really watching one of her old shows while talking to her? Is that a wee bit stalkerish? Obsessive?

Wait...he asked if she's barren? No smooth transition into it...heck...really it should be a question in person, and maybe after getting to know her a bit more. But they one of those long, random conversations. My favorite type! Awww...An attorney is probably just the personality MJ needs...  #Latch

Poor Mark...he thought he and his ex would work it out and get back together...but instead...his ex met someone else, they have a child, and they are moving to London! But after a month, really? I can understand why Mark would assume he was cheating on does all that happen in a month. But then again, isn't that how it works. You date a guy for years, through his growing pains...then you all end, and he marries someone after knowing her for a few months? Ha! Mark later leaves a voicemail for his ex wishing him the best. Beginning of closure...

Patrick goes to pick up his younger daughter to take her to school. Her mother is M.I.A., and his daughter looks disheveled. Patrick assumes the worse, that his daughter's mother is back on drugs. And he ends up taking her home with him after school, as her mother never shows up. So sad.

Speaking of issues with co-parents, Kara's husband is asking her for more money for the boys. I'm with Kara...first it was she works too he wants more money...

Hmm...side story this episode is a school shooting. Interesting, another gun story line. Sadly, the parent who was being interviewed for the show, later learns her daughter was one of the fatalities while the camera was still filming.

Later, Sheldon calls MJ to invite her to a low key party for his friend at his place. MJ goes off, not just b/c of the last minute invite, but b/c he apparently was a no show the night before after asking her out to dinner. What a blow that must have been to their long, random!

On the other hand...Kara is making progress with Gael. She calls and asks him out for the evening. Nice change of pace. After the movies, she confides in him about her struggles and he responds with the perfect spoken word. I like them together...

While at home in her pjs, MJ decides she wants to go to the party. She calls Mark, who is in the bed, to invite him to go. And he too wants to get out of the house. Turns out the party is for Sheldon's friends' 25th wedding anniversary. Wow! Refreshing to see a relatively young couple celebrating what is unfortunately considered a great feat by today's standards! Mark meets someone, probably a random hook up (he did say he's only in town for 2 days). And Sheldon and MJ are still in that cute phase...minus that whole "no show" thing the night before. LOL. And then when MJ tells Sheldon she's taking things slow, due to past relationships, he says she's in luck b/c he's patient and she's worth the wait. Awww...if this doesn't work out (which we know it won't, b/c it is a tv drama, after all), I feel she's going to take it pretty hard. Heck, I'm even invested in the relationship now. LOL

Then Sam Smith's "Stay with Me" comes on (love that song)...Kara and Gael...Mark and random guy...have love scenes. But it finishes with MJ at home on the phone with Sheldon. They are still as cute as ever. I'm definitely feeling MJ and Sheldon more than I ever did MJ and David.

And as if to speak directly to me...LOL...we finally see why that #OneLastQuestion has been on top of the screen the whole episode.

MJ: One last question. Godfather 1 or 2. [This can make or break a relationship, LOL jk]

Sheldon...said 2...well almost...MJ took his response as 2 and got all excited in agreement (as did I!), until he hit her with "1 under protest." Just FYI to those who don't know... Godfather 2 is better (o and Godfather 3 is irrelevant).