Tuesday, January 3, 2023

"A Good Day for Everybody" Review

"A Good Day for Everybody" stars Nia Dorsey ("Basketball Wives"), Bianca Star ("Trust Nobody"), David Bianco ("Circumstances" 2 & 3), and Jamal Woolard ("Notorious"). Though it starts off a bit rocky, it eventually picks up and takes you on a journey full of unexpected twists and revelations. Don't be surprised when the kidnapper is revealed less than 15 minutes in. Not only is this disclosed in the synopsis, but this is not a film centered on figuring out who the kidnapper is.

Rather, the film takes the audience between the past and present-day as it peels back what transpired that ultimately led to the death of the kidnapper's son at the hands of a cop, but also the recent history of how many of the characters are connected. The specific synopsis is: "When a cop realizes her suicidal partner has gone missing. A cocaine-addicted corrupt cop must piece together the right clues to find him before his kidnapper, who’s torturing him for killing her son, kills him– all while grappling with her own secret guilt."

With a runtime of 1 hour and 45 minutes, it is worth a watch to see the story of how the lives of the characters are intertwined and how that leads to the truth behind not one, but two, killings at the hand of the local PD being revealed, as well as a glimpse at how some officers choose to protect other officers over what is just and right. 

"A Good Day for Everybody" is available to stream on Tubi and Prime Video. Also be on the look out for future projects from Swift Motion Pictures, including movies, documentaries, a docuseries, and a reality show; as they continue towards their goal  described by the film's producer and co-director, Ramon “Swift” Sloan, as "continu[ing] telling stories that entertain and to deliver some with meaning. [Whether] its fiction or non-fiction, all of our pieces have gems, and touch on perspectives of the environment in which me and countless others have inhabited."